Monday, June 15, 2020

How to get social media experience for jobs in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen

How to get social media experience for jobs in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen Social Media Experience: How to Get It 22 Mar 2020 Gordon Johnstone Almost every role these days will involve social media; whether you're managing it for clients or companies or simply using it to improve your personal brand. If you're trying to get into the world of marketing, PR or digital an understanding of social media will be a presumed prerequisite. Here are some tips to help you get the social media experience you need to get your foot on the ladder. 1. Become a Social Media Super User A lot of people growing up at the moment will have an inherent understanding of social media and the platforms they use will largely dictated by their social groups. However, you need to understand all of the available platforms to to break into the digital marketplace. Use them on a regular basis and engage with people you know and build up your professional network. This will serve to enhance your presence online while also getting to grips with the various foibles of each platform. Try to keep in mind how a business could use each platform and think about potential commercial opportunities - this will put you ahead of the game later on! Here are some of the networks to familiarise yourself with: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Instagram Pinterest Vimeo Snapchat Tik Tok 2. Start a Blog Blogs are a great way to build your personal brand. Social media is about interacting with people, so showcase a piece of your personality or your passions on your very own blog. Whether you have a flair for creating unique and interesting food recipes or you're passionate about renewable energy sources - share your insights, experience and knowledge with the world. Just make sure that it's well-written and proof-read before you publish anything - nothing tarnishes a reputation quicker than sloppy spelling! A blog can be created through a specific blog platform or simply by posting regularly on your social platform of choice. LinkedIn articles are a great way of spreading your professional insight. 3. Network To be considered as a serious social media professional you’re going to have to get your name out there. Use services like  MeetUp  and  EventBrite  to see what social media seminars are happening in your area. Connect with other social media professionals on LinkedIn. They will often share the latest articles to their network,as well as share any social media jobs that are currently available. Interact with people, share things (but only if you have read them!), and support the community you're trying to join. You’re going to need to be proactive if you want to work in social media. 4. Keep Learning So the social media space is constantly evolving. In order to keep up, make sure to subscribe to the various specific social media blogs and spend some time each day reading the latest news on websites like  Mashable,  Social Media Examiner  and  Ted. 5. Search and Apply For Jobs  With Social Media The majority of social media roles are promoted using the various platforms available. Follow relevant companies and recruitment consultancies on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to be the first to know about the roles and apply directly. Update your profiles and include the professional facing ones on your CV. Many hiring managers will want to see these before inviting you in for an interview. Therefore, if you have a great looking LinkedIn profile with a myriad of recommendations â€" include it on your CV. Also, make sure you're signed up to our job alerts  to hear about the latest vacancies. Feel free to get in touch with one of our experts and they'll be happy to help you out.

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