Saturday, December 28, 2019

5 Common Signs Youre Being Condescending at Work - The Muse

5 Common Signs Youre Being Condescending at Work - The Muse5 Common Signs Youre Being Condescending at WorkLets talk about those colleagues. Do you know the type Im talking about? The ones who have a knack for climbing up on their high horses while making you feel oh-so-small and unimportant?Nobody likes that condescending kollektiv member. But, take a minute to think about this What if youre coming off as that patronizing person in your office? Even worse, what if- gasp- you dont even realize youre doing it?Im not big into scare tactics, but heres the reality Were all only human, which means its easy to slide into some aufdringlich and superior habits every now and then. Here are five signs thats the case1. You Arent Choosing Your Words CarefullyThere are two words that have a way of sneaking into our vocabulary and kicking everyone around us down a couple of pegs. What are they? Actually and just.Think about the last time you uttered a sentence like one of these in the officeI actu ally think thats a good idea.You just need to do it this way.Inserting these words into your sentences immediately makes you sound condescending. Actually indicates surprise- as if the fact that your colleague made a decent suggestion managed to knock you back in your chair. And, just implies simplicity- as if your co-worker is a total moron for not coming to that solution on his own.2. Youre Always Putting Yourself FirstYour boss explicitly approved your request for a long lunch. So, even though you know the rest of your team is scrambling to finish up a shared project, youre totenmucksmuschenstill heading out and taking that lengthy break you believe youre entitled to. You give your colleagues a wave and a brief smile as you breeze past that crowded conference room and out the office door. Yes, sometimes in your career you need to put yourself first- and, hey, you deserve a break However, theres a fine line between managing your own needs and treating your colleagues like doormats .Nobodys saying you need to transform into an office martyr. But, theres also nothing wrong with lending a helping hand or stepping up in a crisis every now and then. 3. Youre the Master of Backhanded ComplimentsYou might think youre always showering your co-workers in praise. However, its worth some reflection to make sure you arent dishing out too many backhanded compliments.What do these look like? Here are two classic examples This presentation turned out way better than your last one.I could tell you didnt have a ton of time, but that project still looked good.Your intentions to offer a commendation are pure. But, youre going about it all wrong. When doling out a compliment, stay focused on the positive- anything else can make you come off as snide or even snobbish. 4. Youre Always Equating Your ExperiencesWhen a colleague vents to you about a frustration or a problem, you think the best way to be supportive is to talk about your own experience that you deem similar. But, guess what? Your co-worker whos stressing about that report that was just annihilated by your boss likely wont be comforted by the fact that the cafeteria screwed up your sandwich that day.While demonstrating empathy is one thing, attempting to equate your own experiences- particularly when they arent at all relevant to your colleagues situation- will always come off as condescending.On the flipside of that coin, responding to your team member with a relieved, Im so glad Ive never had to deal with that or Thats never happened to me isnt helpful either.Instead, focus on actively listening and offering help in any way that you can. Thats really all your co-worker needs. 5. Youre a Conversational SteamrollerYou pride yourself on your ability to maintain a lively discussion with anyone in your office. But, ask yourself this Is it really a discussion, or are you carrying the bulk of that exchange? Are you giving your colleague adequate space and time to speak?By not letting other people chime in- whether its in a team meeting or even in a one-on-one conversation- being a conversational steamroller sends the message that you deem whatever you have to say as far more important.Theres really nothing more demeaning than that. So, the next time youre chatting with a colleague, make a conscious effort to listen just as much as you speak. Nobody likes a conversation hog. Nobody wants to be condescending to their co-workers. But, unfortunately, it has a way of happening without you even realizing it. Keep your eyes peeled for these five symptoms, and youre sure to decrease your likelihood of inspiring groans from your team members. And, when in doubt? Offer to pay for a round of drinks at happy hour- that alone can go a long way.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Resume Tips What to Bring to a Job Interview

Resume Tips What to Bring to a Job InterviewResume Tips What to Bring to a Job InterviewDont come empty-handed, but dont waste interview time with your portfolio.Your resume worked Youve scored an interview. Your shoes are polished, and your business suit is back from the dry cleaners. Now, what do you pack into your briefcase?Professional recruiters such as Jacqueline Hudson, a senior account executive for Renascent Group LLC, prep job candidates before an interview to make sure their briefcases - and their heads - contain all the documentation they need.We send them articles as well as questions that may be asked and information on the company to make sure they really know what theyre going into, Hudson said.To make sure that you, too, are prepared for what youre going into, heres a check list of what to take to an interview as well as what to leave behind, gleaned from recruiters, resume writers and job seekers.What to take1. Resume hard copiesThe interviewer likely has a hard c opy, but it is good practice to have several copies printed and ready to provide the interviewer and others you might meet on interview day.2. ReferencesStephen Van Vreede, an master of business administration and certified professional resume writer who works with Ladders, suggests clients provide a separate document with references only if an interviewer asks for it. A lot of people will try to go in and dump this stuff on the interviewer, Van Vreede said. You want to only provide it when asked.Van Vreede advises job seekers provide three professional references. These dont have to be letters in the case of professional references, a simple list will do. Include references names, company name, titles and contact information. For personal references, specify the nature of the personal relationship. While most job seekers now provide mostly professional references, dont skimp on personal references if the reference has a relationship with the company.3. Resume addendaAn addendum is any documentation that supports a claim (usually a bullet point) in your resume. It is mostly used for IT candidates to provide details on projects theyve managed or programs and systems theyve developed. Van Vreede recommends candidates use an addendum as a way to prevent a resume from getting bogged down with details but still have details ready upon request. It should include details such as cost savings, vendors youve engaged and efficiency gains.But dont use an addendum to bog down the interview, either, Van Vreede said. He suggests describing a given project verbally in the interview, then offering to leave the addendum with interviewer.4. PortfolioA professional portfolio is appropriate for showcasing materials created in the course of work, especially by creative professionals, including marketing pros, those in media or advertising, architects, or artists.5. PowerPoint presentationsIf applicable, offer to show presentations in place of or in addition to addendums and portfo lios. Be careful not to overtake the interview or waste the hiring managers time.6. Insightful questions (four to five)Insightful questions pertain to a specific organizations history, marketing tactics, standing amongst its competition, future and/or past product offerings, research and development, leadership, philosophy, and/or work environment.Renascent Groups Hudson advises job candidates to have at least four or five questions to ask an interviewer. The most insightful questions show that youve done your homework. Youve read news articles about the company and wont be surprised if the interviewer mentions, for example, that its recently undergone a data breach and is revamping its point-of-sales technologies. Or perhaps the organization has run afoul of regulatory compliance and plans to remap data backup procedures.The mora knowledge you have about an organizations pain points and points of pride, the better youll be able to suggest ways that you can help with your specific a ccomplishments, experience and core competencies.Demonstrating knowledge about the company also accomplishes a number of thingsIt relieves your interviewer of the task of educating gives you a chance to delve into your own demonstrates that you are competent regarding doing your due diligence when approaching an demonstrates that you are motivated about the position and the company.7. News articles or corporate collateral that mentions you or your work8. Certification listIT professionals often come with a boatload of certifications, said Steve Burdan, a CPRW certified professional resume writer who works with Ladders. He advises clients to put the creme de la creme of this list onto their resumes and to put the entire list onto a separate sheet to provide interviewers if appropriate.What to omit1. Generic questionsGeneric questions pertain to issues intelligent job seekers should have found out on their own. If a job seeker needs to ask an inter viewer how large the company is, for example, or what countries the company does business in, he obviously didnt invest time in researching the organization.2. Cell phonesDont forget to turn off your cell phone during interviews.3. PDAs or beepersSame goes for all mobile devices. You might need your PDA or mobile device to access your schedule or other data, if requested by the interviewer. But be sure to disable the phone function during the meeting.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How to Be a Great Candidate Even If Youre Under-Qualified for the Job

How to Be a Great Candidate Even If Youre Under-Qualified for the JobHow to Be a Great Candidate Even If Youre Under-Qualified for the JobHow to Be a Great Candidate Even If Youre Under-Qualified for the JobThink a position is out of reach? Not so fast.Have you ever found a position description that looked fantastic except that the experience it required was a little out of your reach? There are many reasons why that perfect match position is sometimes tricky to find. Whether youre searching for an opening that represents a promotion, changing industries, or trying something new, sometimes your skills and past experience do leidlage quite meet the opportunitys stated requirements.But dont let yourself give up. Applying for a job with no experience or notlage quite the experience on the job description is okayFrom someone who has been in this situation (and has seen countless professionals do the same), I have good news. The lack of a perfect match is not necessarily a verdict. This may sound counter-intuitive, but not all listed job requirements are 100 percent required. To be more precise, any job description is a mix of must-haves and nice-to-have qualifications. That makes your position as a candidate a little more challenging, but also gives you more options to explore.So, lets say you came across a job opening that has you really excited, even though it does represent a bit of a stretch in terms of experiences and skills. What do you do?To apply or not to apply?Your first reservierung of business is to decide whether you want to throw your hat in the ring. Consider the position carefully, and ask yourself how close of a match you have between the requirements and your experience. Are you applying for a job with no experience? Or do you have some of the skills necessary? Your chances are better if the position is just a little out of your reach on paper. If you notice a significant skill and experience gap, making your case will be more difficult.Lets say you have one year of relevant experience. A position that requires three to five years of experience may not be completely out of your reach. However, getting interviews for an opening that calls for 10+ years of experience will be tougher. Similarly, if a position requires a Masters degree and all you have is a Bachelors, you may not be out of the running yet. In some cases, your experience or professional certifications might make up for the lack of an MBA. On the other hand, hiring managers that are looking for a candidate with a Ph.D. may not give someone with a Bachelors a second look.As you measure the gap between the position description and your resume, consider whether you have what it takes to do the job well. If you feel that you would be out of your depth in a way that could compromise your career, the timing may not be right. However, if you know you can be effective in the role, it may be time to move into strategic preparation.Pre-interview strategy.Your pre-interview strategy can be summarized in one short phrase do more homework than all other candidates. Here are three preparation steps to consider, with a fourth one for extra credit.Step 1 Understand what youre stepping into. In order to get an offer, you must understand this position as well as someone who has been in it. This is particularly important if you are a bit underqualified. You will need to do a lot of research, which can include industry magazines and blogs, as well as informational interviews with professionals who can offer advice and share insights. Reach out to your professional network. You can also use LinkedIn to make new connections and ask for introductions if needed.During the informational interviews, focus on the biggest challenges of the position. What does it take to be effective? Ask for advice, insider tips and interview questions to anticipate. Your goal is to gather the information that will impress the hiring manager and convince him or her that you have what it takes to succeed, even if your resume does not directly back that up.Step 2 Dig deep.As you remap your resume and work on your cover letter, go beyond your obvious job duties and accomplishments. Your first area of focus is transferrable skills. From project management to working with difficult personalities, think about your overall talent build and experience, and package it all in a way that highlights your qualifications.I also encourage you to think of the unique perspectives you would bring to the position. Sometimes you dont have the necessary experience for a reason that actually makes you a great candidate Having worked in a different industry or country means that you have experienced a range of tools, approaches, and techniques that are broader than those of a candidate who chose to homestead within the traditional career path. As a result, you have the potential to enhance the department and bring a fresh perspective.Step 3 Get really good recommendations.With the cor e experience just shy of the mark, you will need strong recommendations to bridge the gap. Be strategic about who you ask a letter from a manager carries more weight than one from a co-worker. You want to select the person who is in a position to write a strong recommendation, complete with examples and a powerful endorsement. I recommend taking the time to speak with the recommendation-writer over the phone or in person, so that you can share an overview of the position and mention specific skills that make you a great candidate. Your tips and ideas will make writing the recommendation easier.Step 4 (extra-credit) Complete a pre-interview project.I know that this step is ambitious and time-consuming. However, when done right, it has the potential to elevate your candidacy and get the hiring manager to look beyond the missing qualification (or three). The idea is to prove to the company that you understand the challenges of the position and can solve them.Depending on your target c ompany, the pre-interview project could involve performing a product positioning assessment, building a website, or conducting interviews and proposing improvements to anything from packaging to software user experience. Your creativity, understanding of the industry and genuine interest in the company can boost your credibility and make you stand out among the applicants.Interview strategy.Congratulations your hard work has paid off The hiring manager is intrigued enough to offer you a chance to interview for a stretch position. Now is your chance to show him or her that you have more than just the potential to do the job well.Strategy 1 Ask really good questions.If your goal is to set yourself fremdartig from other candidates, you must do some extra preparation to ensure youre asking great questions during the interview.How do you ask great questions? Imagine that you already have the job, and are in conversation with your manager about the challenges ahead and the strategies to overcome them. This is where your prep work, particularly the informational interviews, has the potential to set you apart. Be sure your questions are open-ended and genuinely thought-provoking.Strategy 2 Connect with the hiring manager.Creating a strong personal connection with the hiring manager is a powerful way to elevate your interview. Working together isnt all about technical qualifications If you are able to demonstrate that you are a loyal team player and a dedicated professional who is committed to doing the right thing, the hiring manager will be more likely to take the leap of faith.Strategy 3 Tell the truth.In everything from your resume to your interview, be honest about your skillset and experience. However, that does not mean that you should resign yourself to starting your sentences with I know I am not qualifiedTell the truth, but do it in a way that is positive. Instead of saying I understand that I dont have any experience in the healthcare industry, open with My experience in the professional services industry has taught me Remember your experience is highly valuable, even if it is not an exact natural match for the job description.In closing, I encourage you to use your networking muscles for every job opportunity, and particularly those that are just outside your reach. An introduction and an endorsement by a company insider is a powerful way to skip the experience match-up exercise and get you in the door. However, even if you dont have an insider introduction, stretch positions are often worth applying for. At the very minimum they give you an opportunity to learn more about the industry, meet new people, and test your readiness for the next level in your career. If you get the job, it will be a fantastic growth opportunity. So, be strategic, prepare well, and go for itWant to see how your resume stacks up? Try out our free critique todayRelated Articles

Friday, December 13, 2019

7 deceptively simple ways to break the Sunday Scaries without quitting your job

7 deceptively simple ways to break the Sunday Scaries without quitting your job7 deceptively simple ways to break the Sunday Scaries without quitting your jobJohnny Cash wrote about the Sunday Scaries the best when he sang, Theres just something in a Sunday that makes a body feel alone. The rest of us understand it as a feeling of dread creeping up on us sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, as the workweek approaches. What are we so anxious about? No ones exactly sure its just an evening-ruining feeling of discomfort and anxiety.According to a recent LinkedIn survey, 80% of working professionals said theyve experienced the Sunday night dread. One in three reported feeling them every week.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHaving the Sunday Scaries doesnt necessarily mean you hate your job or need to quit your current gig, said Megan Dalla-Camina, an entrepreneur, mentor, speaker, a nd author of Simple Soulful Sacred, a guide for helping women find balance in a busy world.It can certainly be one reason, she admitted. I think that feeling is more obvious to people when theyre doing jobs that they really dont like and get that sense of, Oh my God. Ive got to put up with a week ahead of me, she says.But often, theyre dreading a constellation of things.I dont think it has just one flavor, she says of the negative Sunday feels. It could be that you like your job but hate your boss. It could be that youre having an issue with one of your co-workers. It could be challenging, stressful commutes to work. It can absolutely be a parent who is just dreading that juggle I know as a single parent, for the majority of my sons life, just the sheer thought of having to get up on a Monday morning and go through the drama and the anxiety the stress that came with just managing welches enough.Dalla-Camina said that women may feel it more intensely, as they often manage the housew ork as well as regular jobs.I think what we would know from research is that women have more of the juggle feel to the day to day, between work and family and taking care of the house, she said. And theyre feeling very stressed out by having elend managed the week, as well as the work.Why youre feeling so freaked on SundaysFirst, stop distracting yourself from your discomfort and pay attention to yourself, Dalla-Camina said. Dont drug yourself by scrolling through social media or whatever your creature comfort is instead, take a look Why do I feel this sense of discomfort? asked Dalla-Camina. And where am I at on this scale of discomfort?Is it like a little niggle, like Oh God, Ive got another week, or is it like arriving sense of depression and anxiety? Like, where are you at? And I think that leads you to what to do next. Is it dealing with my boss? Is it in my family? Is it how I get to my workplace? Why do I feel this level of dread, and where am I on this scale?Is there anythi ng you can do?Ask yourself if theres anything you can change about your job, or at least make better. I think thats the first thing thats really helpful for people to do, and then looking at what could you change about that. Is it that the commute is really long and stressful for you? You might not be able to move, but could you change jobs? Could you do more flexible work? Is there an vorkaufsrecht to work from home? Can you make better use of your commute time by listening to podcasts or an audiobook, or doing something with a passion project on your commute? Do you want to do some writing, or is there something else that you want to be progressing on? You can make the most of that time. Ask yourself what youre actually looking forward to this week. I think what also is really helpful on a Sunday is to start looking at What am I looking forward to this week?Because again, our brains are geared for the negative. Our brains are geared with that negativity bias, and its all too easy for us to flip into that slipstream of negative thinking and then ruminating on that negative thinking. Soeven if theres going to be things in our way that were dreading, what are we actually looking forward to? Make plans, even if its just for a relaxing night in or a movie.Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. Bringing in a gratitude practice is another really helpful tool to keep up in that sense of gratitude of what is going well for us at the moment, what are we enjoying, what are we grateful for, and we can do that every day, says Dalla-Camina. Because sometimes the Sunday dread is not just a Sunday dread, right?It can creep in into the week, and so bringing back into what are we thankful for, what are we grateful for, whats going well for us is also really helpful. You can make gratitude lists daily, she said.If you must start your week on Sunday, be pro-active. Ive seen a lot of people over the years who their workweek really starts on Sunday. It doesnt actually start Monday mor ning. I know from my personal experience when I was working in my corporate jobs that by the time I got to Sunday my weekend was done, you know? By early afternoon Sunday I was on my laptop, I was doing my emails, I was planning for the week, and Sunday was pretty much done.For people in those types of situations, Dalla-Camina said, if youre either mentally or physically already in your week, then having some boundaries around that, I think its really important. That said,dont let work take over your weekend for too long you might want to reconsider your options eventually. If every single weekend youre losing half of your Sunday, or more, to prepare for you week, then somethings off with that picture.Plan something on Sundays, no matter whatPlan something joyful for Sunday afternoon. Catch up with friends, or go to yoga, go for a run, spend time in the garden, have fun time with your kids or your partner, and intentionally plan something that is going to be joyful, and take your m ind off that arriving sense of whatever level of dread that looks like for you.Work in moments of happiness throughout your week.To make sure theres no dismal week to dread, make sure you have something to look forward to. And then, to plan things during your week that you know are going to make you happy, have you feel fulfilled, bring in some joy, make you feel like you are doing something purposeful, said Calla-Camina. Even if your job doesnt feel purposeful, you can have moments of purpose and meaning throughout your week. To the extent you can, treat your weeks like a weekend.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Sample Software Engineer Resume - What Is It?

Sample Software Engineer Resume - What Is It? Sample Software Engineer Resume the Ultimate Convenience To begin with, construct your master list of every skill youve got. Once finished, you would have the ability to design your killer resume. Essentially, youve nailed work at a unicorn firm. Lets say youre applying for employment at Airbnb. Before your interview, review the work listing to make certain you know the technical demands of the job. List your education having the most recent experience first, even if its an expert certificate. Their job demands technical abilities and knowledge on specific areas for them in order to operate in their jobs. Possessing an excellent knowledge on coding and good resume will assist the job seekers to find the work easily. The Most Popular Sample Software Engineer Resume Analyzing the important characteristics of the resume and going through a number of the resume samples will likewise assist in getting better ideas. Many software e ngineers job-hop to locate jobs that will stay challenging which is the reason why employers are forever searching for new ones while writing the reference or recommendation letters for the people who are leaving. Sometimes youll be asked questions which do not entirely fit your work description, meaning its wise that you learn about other languages and concepts you are not that knowledgeable about. The second sort of questions deal with your work description and are extremely technical. How to Choose Sample Software Engineer Resume Policy vorlage Free is among the photos we located on the internet from reliable resources. You are able to also see Resume Templates. The templates are editable, so you need to have the ability to edit in any data you need to provide. All the templates are created for certain purposes, so you are able to choose based on your need. Introducing Sample Software Engineer Resume Whether youre looking for a distinct role or a more comprehensive job description, its helpful to understand the regions where the candidate excels. Interviewers are extremely divided in what they are searching for in their applicants. So demand is rising day by day. Describe a time once you were able to lessen the users perception of waiting. For job is best method to get started. Hiring managers wish to realize that youve got the capability to deliver systems that offer real price. Always be motivated expand your skills so that you can be a better asset for an organization and stick out from your competition. Dependent on the businesss requirement developer has to develop the program. On account of the constant technology explosion worldwide, software engineers wont ever be without work. A software engineering job is just one of the most responsible jobs which require extensive expertise, practical abilities, attention to details in plus-rechnen to the engineers individual abilities to finish a defined set of tasks. Superior programmers understand how to prioritize clear code. When youre compiling your software engineer resume, watch out for a few of the most frequent mistakes. Its because the appropriate software engineer resume sample can lead you to be recruited. If youre interviewing for a position for a software engineer, it will help to know what kinds of questions to anticipate. The summary section within this junior program engineer resume sample is just 3 sentences long. This junior computer software engineer resume sample will be able to help you create the type of resume that will catch employers interest. Dont forget, technical skills are a must-have to search for in software engineering interview questions, but in a few positions, its equally as crucial to look for specific soft abilities, such as communication. Discussing previous projects is a significant process to find out more about an applicants experience. Developing your resume is critical. Sample Software Engineer Resume Can Be Fun f or Everyone The end result will always have same Heads in every single pile. A good deal of positions arent posted on the standard websites and require a bit more investigating. You ought to make sure that youre staying on top of your job search procedure and you dont get distracted. Under these conditions, a one-page resume is the main element of succeeding.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hidden Solutions to Ngo Resume Writing Tips Identified

Hidden Solutions to Ngo Resume Writing Tips Identified A History of Ngo Resume Writing Tips Refuted While a resume objective tells the reader what you would like to do and why you would like to do it, a summary provides a fast recap of your career. Again, check with the work post which might have indicated the preferred soft skills. An internship is where you receive a preview of your real career. Ruthless Ngo Resume Writing Tips Strategies Exploited Depending on what type of job youre seeking you must tailor your resume to the requirements of employers. If youre asking for an internship, the very first thing you have to be wondering is the way to convince the employer to hire you once you have zero experience whatsoever. Attempt to comprehend the market of the organization you are asking for work, and identify what sort of difficulties they may be going through. Very similar to what you need to do when applying to pretty much any kind of job. Actually it might even hurt your odds of landing an interview. Thus, dont be scared to point out your job experience however minute it may appear to you. Its critical that you customize each cover letter to the job which you are applying. Possessing a cover letter to go together with your resume is an excellent approach to speak to them about who you are and your interest in the business. You should clearly state what kind of a job that you want, and know what types of skills and experiences are essential to succeed in that job. Your jobs could possibly be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. You spot an incredible job with an NGO and think you tick all the boxes, which means you apply and are confident that youll get the job. Therefore, it is sometimes a competitive job to apply for. Ngo Resume Writing Tips Fundamentals Explained Therefore, its vital you take the time before you begin your resume to form a very clear and targeted objective. Know t he purpose of your resume Some folks write a resume as though the intention of the document was supposed to land work. Most resumes incorporate the next sections, even though the order depends upon the resume format you pick. While Canadian resumes are available in many distinct formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about. The info on your resume is a significant aspect in landing you your dream job, which explains why you should learn the best suggestions for writing a great resume. With industry-specific text examples ready that you personalize, you can make a perfect resume any moment. If youre lacking a good deal of specialist experience then it is even more critical you compose a flawless education section. If you dont have sufficient experience and expertise to fill up more than 1 page, it is logical to actively distill what you would like to say to meet that one-page cut-off.